Download current release (20.4)

FreeDyn API 2020.4
size: 131.5 MB

About FreeDyn API

FreeDyn API was developed during the FFG funded research projects PROTOFRAME and DisMoSim. It is an interface between FreeDyn and other software packages (e.g. Scilab or MATLAB).

How to use FreeDyn API?

  1. Download FreeDyn API 20.4
  2. Extract it into your directory X:\WhateverYouWant\ (avoid spaces)
  3. The available access functions are contained in a header file: X:\WhateverYouWant\FreeDynAPI\bin\FreeDynCallables.h
  4. In case Scilab or MATLAB is installed on your computer, you can study the examples located in the demo Folder.
    • Please consider that paths may be different in your filesystem. Update the path to the DLL and the path to the model